To encourage compassionate community based solutions to community based problems.
To empower people as individuals to live in their own power, making their own choices without relying on institutions to do that for them. To live into their God given destiny trusting that like minded people have their backs.
To uplift and uphold manhood in healthy ways where men and women are seen for what they are; equal but different. To create a sense of manhood that encourages women and children to flourish in a safe environment. To bring men back into the breach vacated through fatherlessness and a lack of good male mentoring.
To build platforms that encourage growth and stability in good times and bad. To enlist the support of others to build connected community groups where no one feels isolated and alone.
To bring like minded people together to further these outcomes in humble and compassionate ways.
To establish a network of community groups who are linked nation wide through social media and personal interaction. Communities who take care of themselves by regular interactivity and sharing where integrity, honour and respect are paramount.